Dear volunteers,
the number of people who seek protection from persecution in Germany has reached new peak last summer. There have been different responses to this development. One was the tremendous increase in the involvement of volunteers and voluntary groups in working for and with refugees.
We are writing to you today because of your engagement for and with refugees.
Two years ago we conducted the first survey on the structures and motives of volunteering for refugees. Last year we carried out a second survey. The events since the summer of 2015, when your support for refugees played such an important role, underlined the relevance of this survey. The great response to the two surveys in the media and by political decision-makers as well as the high demand for the results by volunteer organizations show that research on this subject is of great importance for policies and society.
For this reason, we have now prepared a third survey. This time also in English. We are interested in how volunteering work has developed, what problems you personally face in your engagement, and what motivates you. This knowledge, we hope, can help improve migration policies.
With this letter, we would like to ask you to support us in this task by answering a few questions that we have prepared in online questionnaires. We compiled two surveys – one for volunteers who work with or for refugees (in German and in English) and one for organisations that volunteers work for (in German only):
If you click on the following link, you will come to a questionnaire with about 10 pages. Completing it takes about 20 minutes – you remain anonymous, of course.
You can find the German language questionnaires above.
Please forward this email to other volunteers and organizations working with refugees.
The more people participate in our survey the more accurate and helpful the results of our research project will be.
We would like to thank you for your cooperation. If you are interested in the results of the study, you can subscribe to our newsletter under the following link
or you can like our Facebookpage
With Kind Regards,
Dr. Serhat Karakayali, Berliner Institut for empirical Migration and Integration research, Humboldt University
Dr. Olaf Kleist, Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS), University of Osnabrück
Ehrenamtliche Flüchtlingsarbeit – EFA Studie
Volunteering for Refugees – EFA Study